TBVF: Chapter 12: What Goes Up, Must Come Down

Title: The Blue Vast Future
Author: Ariel Chew
Genre: Sci-Fi, Humor, Friendship, Family
Summary: A SB#187 team aged-up to be in a Kaiju battle. Ariel’s merely a 21-year-old supervisor of Gamma Rapper, but with all the training of the Academy she has, will it prepare her for the biggest turns of events of the century?

One week goes by, as promised, and the alarm sounds.

Ariel is mildly mannerly enough to stifle her yawn as she shuffles her two Rangers for their drop. Unlike her, Aaron and Eric are fully awake – Not fooling around nor mimicking a sleep zombie.

If only they were like this everyday…

“But I guess that’ll just be pushing it, huh.”

“What will be pushing it?” Iris slings a friendly arm around Ariel’s neck, and it should concern Ariel that she doesn’t even bother to flinch from the surprise. Iris appears to take notice of this, and instantly a frown etches itself onto the older supervisor’s face. “Did you even sleep last night? You kinda look out of it.”

Ariel shrugs, voice monotone as she replies.

“I guess my nerves acted up again. Like I’m having an exam today and I can’t fall asleep last night, that sort of thing.”

Iris nods, sympathetically patting her back as consolation.

“Yeah. I know what you mean.”

After ensuring their Rangers are properly fussed over by the team, the two supervisors rejoin the Marshall in the Control Room, where the others are waiting. The strategy for today was to have Beta Strucker on standby, leaving the main fight to Gamma Rapper, something Aaron and Eric are more than happy about.

“Gamma Rapper, report to your Conn-Pod; Beta Strucker, remain in Drive-suit Room until further instruction.” Asyikin announces over the intercom, with Zul and the Marshall seated either side of her. The rest of them, like Ariel and Iris, remain standing as they watch the live screen before them while Asyikin does her work as the appointed Mission Controller.

“All personnel, please be dismissed from Conn-Pod. Gamma Rapper, report.”

“So far so good, LOCCENT.” Eric’s voice filters clearly over the feedback, and next to him Aaron pipes in.

“I think I might have out grow my suit. Just saying.”

“You mean you became fat.” Eris retorts back.

“Engage drop, Asyikin.” Marshall Rahida impatiently cuts in, gathering a collective exasperated sigh from all three seated in front of the monitor.

“Yes Ma’am. Engaging drop for Gamma Rapper.” The line quiets, and Asyikin taps a few more buttons before she continues. “JumpHawks, report upon completion of standby mode. Hangar Team, open the gate.”

“Good luck guys.” Ariel mutters under her breath, worry and excitement gnawing away within her core like a puppy taking electric wires as a chew bone replacement.

The Marshall nods once. “Engage pilot-to-pilot Protocol.”

“Initiating Neural Handshake in 15 seconds.” Asyikin does the countdown, and belatedly Ariel feels the same for her own heart. The monitor has 3 display screens: One of the internal condition of the Jaegar, another of the condition of the Pilots, and another that briefly comes online – Showing the outside view of the coast. No doubt this view is being broadcasted by a JumpHawk equipped with a camera. Ariel zones back in to the last few seconds just as Asyikin flips the switch.


Memories are a finicky thing. Stored within the abyssal depths of the mind, a momentary forgetfulness does not mean a complete removal of the memory itself. There is no way to forget a memory, unless by trauma to the head.

Eric remembers to never chase after the R.A.B.I.T.

“Right hemisphere calibrating. “

“Left hemisphere calibrating. I still think the suit’s tight on me.”

Eric rolls his eyes at the comment, ignoring the playful mood that rolls off in waves from his co-pilot.

“Good to hear you two are in good condition. Don’t forget your orders. Take down the Kaiju before it reaches Miracle Mile.” This time, the Marshall’s voice is the one coming in from the feed. “The Kaiju is coming through the Breach as we are now speaking. Are we clear, gentlemen?”

“Copied that.” Eric replies, and shoots back a warning prod across the shared neural headspace at the building excitement. Good thing that Eric is the level-headed pilot of the two. “What’s the code name for this guy?”

“Sharkodile. You can thank Ariel for that.” Zul’s amused voice flitters into the intercom, and both pilots let out a snort at mention of the code name.

“Really? Sharkodile? Is that the best you can come up with?” Aaron asks, incredulous evident in his tone.

“I highly doubt ‘Rock Lobster’ is any better.” Eric ignores a whine that bubbles from within, knowing fully well that childlike reaction belongs to his co-pilot and not from himself. “You and I know that rhyming doesn’t go necessarily well with puns.”

“Gamma, move out.”

Any intention of teasing dies in his tongue (and mind) when the Marshall interrupts, words of finality as they were lifted and carried out of the Hangar and into the ocean.

You ready?

Eric grins. Of course I am, idiot.

The person who calls someone idiot is an idiot first.

“LOCCENT, any sign of Sharkodile?”

“Negative. It’s definitely out of the Breach, but it’s smart enough to evade us.”

A smart one, eh? Aaron scowls.

You don’t say.

“Gamma, keep both eyes peeled and stay on guard. You’re landing now.” Asyikin voices over their thoughts, the moment they hit the water and released from the carrier chains their feet move, Gamma moving along with them.

“Switching on the beacons.” Aaron calls out, even though Eric already knows. It’s more for the sake of LOCCENT that pilots call out their moves, as thoughts within the shared headspace transmit way faster than words do by mouth.

“Careful. It’s close.” Eric reminds them both, already sensing a dangerous aura prowling in the waters. Like the calm before the storm.

It’s here! The only warning the two gets when the ocean parts and Sharkodile leaps out of the water, Gamma barely dodging thanks to the duo’s combined reflexes and agility as Sharkodile sails right across Gamma’s torso and whips its talon-studded tail across the Conn-Pod.

!! The impact knocks both of them back, giving Sharkodile enough time to hide back under waters before it launches its next attack.

“Not good! This guy’s dangerous!” Ariel frantically calls in, and Eric could feel Aaron’s annoyance bubbling within him from her unnecessary (but not unreasonable) worry. She’s right. Eric quickly soothes the other, reigning in a certain level of calmness as they steady Gamma. We’ll be ready for the next attack.

The second Eric finishes his thought, Sharkodile charges at them again, this time from the front. Putting their training into good use, they fight back. Evade a claw, punch the ugly shark face, avoid talon tail, do an uppercut-

If things were to go so easy, Sharkodile shouldn’t have been able to take them down as before. They both let out a grunt when Sharkodile body slams into the Jaegar, and for a split second they were teetering with the danger of falling over before they clamped down Gamma’s robotic hands on Sharkodile and do a quick flip-over.

Close call!

If this keeps up, we’re not going to win. Eric states grimly. We need to use our special move to deal with this guy.

“Looks like it’s time for: Rolling Thunder!!” Three beings merged into one, they move quickly towards Sharkodile before it could hide from their view again. Their move activates a special gel that runs through Gamma’s joint, giving them speed to attack before the enemy does. They seldom use the technique, mainly because they’ll be leaving themselves open to attacks from the side.

Sharkodile doesn’t dodge and hide like before, instead it charges right at them, letting out a roar while showing off fearsome looking teeth. Gamma jumps, hovering above the Kaiju with a fist pulled back and a splayed palm before, until the Jaegar and a barrage of fists collide with Sharkodile.



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