TBVF: Character List

These are the names of all characters that are in the story. And in case anyone wonders, they are all based on real people.

I hope I did justice in the characterization?

(Yes you, Aaron. Me is looking at you. :/)

(JK JK You're amazing okay)


Ariel Chew (Female)
=> Gamma Rapper's current supervisor. She's a naive and dense person at times, and thinks herself as a coward due to comparing herself with her seniors. Is very mindful of the internal hierarchy. Secretly likes someone...?

Affan (Male)
=> Gamma Rapper's J-tech. Most of the time handles the graveyard shift. Teases Ariel often by messing up her hair, though by doing so he actually becomes more nicer in terms of personality...?

Izwin (Female)
=> K-Lab's Assistant Head Scientist. She's one of the few people that Ariel openly acts like a child around, as a result Izwin tends to spoil the younger female with sweets and cookies. Rumors that she is in relationship with the Head Scientist...?

Joey (Female)
=> K-Lab's tomboy Head Scientist. Loud, and often the driving force behind the advancement in the scientific field. Loves caramel and red bean, dislikes chocolate. Ariel admires Joey's height for obvious reasons.

Aaron Tan (Male)
=> Gamma Rapper's pilot. A beat boxer that often drives the superiors up the wall by his lateness and puns, he also has a black hole for a stomach. Ariel often worries over him because of his nonchalant attitude towards serious matter, but after 'it' happened, something changes...?

Eric/Erief (Male)
=> Gamma Rapper's pilot. Easy-going and always smiling, he shares the same hobby as his other half: Beat boxing. As the older counterpart, he watches over Aaron's well-being.

Siti (Female)
=> Gamma Rapper's former supervisor. Ariel highly looks up to her, but mystery remains shrouded over Siti's resignation...

Talha (Male)
=> Beta Strucker's pilot. The quiet, older counterpart who behaves like a child around his other half. Speaks in his mother tongue as he is terrible in English. Ariel does her best to speak to him in his mother tongue, resulting in a hilarious rendition of the duck answering the chicken's question sort of situation...

Amirul (Male)
=> Beta Strucker's pilot. The motherly younger co-pilot of Talha. He's mature, and tends to fret over Talha's well-being more openly than Eric does. Ends up being Talha's translator to Ariel most of the time, though his translation isn't exactly great either...

Kabitra (Female)
=> Beta Strucker's former supervisor. Left the organization due to studies.

Iris Tan (Female)
=> Beta Strucker's current supervisor, Has an obvious crush on a certain barista in a particular cafe that Ariel and her frequent. The queen of teasing and quick-wit, she is well-known not to be messed with. Being Ariel's sworn big sister, she is protective of the younger girl.

Achik/Rahida (Female)
=> The Marshall of the Malaysia/Johor Bahru Shatterdome. A gentle person who should never be angered; Though in the eyes of Ariel, the Marshall is a wonderful person. In the eyes of others, however, their opinions vary...

Zul (Male)
=> The Assistant Marshall of the Malaysia/Johor Bahru Shatterdome. He's in charge of the Jaegar teams as well as the J-Techs updates. In Ariel's opinion, he's like the father figure in the Shatterdome, putting his foot down on fights and dissolving arguments. Though the way he acts around Asyikin is funny...?

Asyikin (Female)
=> The Assistant Marshall of the Malaysia/Johor Bahru Shatterdome. She's in charge of the technical aspect of the PPDC, meaning the LOCCENT Mission Control is generally under her supervision. In Ariel's opinion, she's a great big sister after Achik, and Asyikin can speak Mandarin as well. There are times she glances at Zul differently than how she looks at others...?

Wan (Male)
=> The Head J-Tech for Gamma Rapper. His fashion sense is akin to the 60s, and he treats Ariel like his younger sister due to the facial and character similarities.

Mundzir (Male)
=> The Head J-Tech for Beta Strucker. His sharp tongue always ends up being disliked by people who don't know him, but in Ariel's case, since she barely understands the Malay language, she doesn't understand the meaning of the words he uses. Though sometimes she silently agrees with Mundzir on his opinion, much to her embarrassment...

Shah (Male)
=> Head Medic in the Shatterdome. His clinic is open to public as well for any medical consultation or minor surgeries. A generally quiet and studious man.

Khairil (Male)
=> Zul's assistant. Though he's a sly man, he has his own fanbase amongst the Shatterdome, as he is a transfer from Indonesia/Monado Shatterdome. Ariel is often left exasperated after conversation with him.

Nazirah (Female)
=> Asyikin's assistant. She has a short temper, but she has a great voice as she is a former singer, before quitting to aid in the Kaiju war. Dislikes guys who don't think things through before speaking.

Akmal (Male)
=>A newly promoted trainee. A little slow in his movements, and a big fan of donuts. The way to getting his help is by getting him sweets.

Tharmen (Male)
=> A trainee in the PPDC. He doesn't see eye to eye with Nazirah, and on occasion Iris. Always seen coughing, hence Ariel makes a habit of giving him cough drops or making him a cup of warm honey chamomile tea.

Dila (Female)
=> A fellow Medic and Shah's assistant. Friendly and calm in all situation.

Aaron Lim (Male)
=> A K-tech transfer from Hong Kong Shatterdome. Ariel's pretty sure that both Aaron are the same height, except that Aaron Lim is fairer skin while Aaron Tan is darker skin, the latter due to his mixed blood heritage (Papua New Guinea x Chinese).

Caleb (Male)
=> Beta Strucker's J-Tech under Mundzir's supervision. He keeps laughing periodically at all conversations, and is a big fan of fast food. His playful antics are usually Achik's source of exasperation.

Ebby/Ebenezer (Male)
=> Beta Strucker's J-Tech. Apparently he got along very well with Caleb until the point they begun to refer to each other as sworn brothers. Cue Ariel and the others to sweat drop over the scene...

Shamim (Male)
=> Mess Hall's operator.

Babul (Male)
=> Shamim's assistant and server in the Mess Hall.

Faiz (Male)
=> Gamma Rapper's J-Tech. Is always seen to be tinkling with Jaegar parts, seemingly absorbed in his own world of robotics. A big fan of Japanese mecha is why he joins the PPDC. Is also Fitri's roommate.

Fitri (Male)
=> Gamma Rapper's J-Tech. Fondly referred to as 'Fii' by Ariel, he mostly oversees the software side of the Jaegar. Loves cool motorbikes like Harley Davidson and the like, as well as Japanese mecha. He is Faiz's roommate, and the one who brought Faiz into the PPDC.

Shahnur (Male)
=> Also fondly known as 'Ano', he is a K-Tech Engineer specializing in coding. An enthusiast in skateboarding. A gentleman who owns a pair of Himalayan Persian and Turkish Angora cats.

Zhofri (Male)
=> A K-tech engineer specializing in coding.

Ariff (Male)
=> A K-Tech Engineer coding specialist. He is Shahnur and Zhofri's senior. Is now currently in Indonesia/Monado Shatterdome.

Kuisma (Female)
=> Beta Strucker's J-tech. The oldest of 7 siblings, she tends to baby people like Caleb and Ariel, though she frequently bickers light-heartedly with Ebby and Mundzir as well. Ariel doesn't understand why Kuisma always makes this weird expression at Wan...?

Leo (Male)
=> Storm Dragon's pilot. He's cousins with Bel.

Belmain (Male)
=> Storm Dragon's pilot and cousins with Leo. People usually call him Bel in short.

Ashleigh (Female)
=> Storm Dragon's supervisor. Same age buddy and Academy year as Iris. Both girls enjoy spending time shopping together and taking photos. A long-board enthusiast, and occasionally weaves dreamcatchers in her free time. Dreams of starting her own workshop and teaching others the art of copperplate calligraphy.

Joe (Male)
=> A barista at a downtown cafe that Iris and Ariel frequent. The target of Iris' crush, a cool person who's favorite drink is Iced Americano. Usually in night shifts. Goes to the same college as Matthew.

Gene/Eugene (Male)
=> Joe's colleague in the same cafe. He is Ariel's crush, a smiley person who is often seen in day shift. Favorite drink is Triple-Shot Iced Latte. Has his head in the clouds until is knocked out of it by either Joe or Iris.

Matthew (Male)
=> A part-time barista in the same cafe as Joe and Gene. Alternates with day shifts on the weekends and night shifts on the weekdays. Likes Iced-Blended Mocha, and attends the same college as Joe.

Kin (Male)
=> The owner of BeanHoppin' where Joe, Gene, and Matthew works at.

Mr. Chau (Male)
=> An illegal businessman. That's not his actual name, but rather is his alias. Specialises in Kaiju organs harvesting, as there is a market for it, particularly in Asia.

Nazri (Male)
=> Former Jaegar pilot before losing his partner in battle, giving him trauma. By the persuasion of his friends, he comes back as Aaron's temporary partner.


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